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Month: July, 2019

They Say It’s Art

I say they’re full of shit.

For so long people have somehow gotten away with calling this type of porn art while everyone who watches it and those who make it available know full well that’s bullshit. It is porn, was always porn and will always be porn.

Do you really think it makes you better than everyone else when you perv over “art” instead of porn? Gawd forbid you make yourself filthy by indulging in porn like everyone else, oh no you’re not part of the regular rabble. I have news for you; porn is not dirty and even if it was you would be just as dirty as everyone else.

Long gone are even the days that there is the flimsy distinction in quality by means of resolution, photography or even sets. The most regular of porn sites have stepped up their games to be at least as good in all of those categories too.

So now that we’ve established this is in fact porn and I can tell you that it is pretty damn hot too you might wish to checkout this 67% off discount from Rylsky Art.